This is a collection of some of my ponderings, usually prompted by something happening in my own or a client’s life. They are meant as snippets on a particular subject, maybe of use to delve deeper for your own awarenesses.
January 13, 2021
Hello Bubble-hearts!
It’s been a busy couple of weeks at Bubble HQ!
On January 5th 2021 Directive from Jonathan on How to Help Humanity.
The Sacred Bubble for the High-Selves provided a two-fold advantage. First, as it was accessed and used under the direction of the High-Selves, free will was returned to those who received it. Second, there were massive releases of lower energies as they were able to make their own decision to go forward and be guided into higher states. As they raise their vibration, they will eventually be able to come into our Universal Arena and receive a Unity Bubble. A win-win situation!
Last week it came to my attention that many are doing release work in different places and situations across the planet. They need extra protection to make sure any vortices are sufficiently closed after use.
It was determined the best way was to strengthen the outer layer of The Unity Bubble making a more defined exit and subsequent closure.
This was done on January 11th for all Facilitators and then on January 12th to enable Facilitators to strengthen their clients’ Bubbles.
If you would like this upgrade, simply be open and willing
to receive. There is no need to do anything else. It will be automatic. I will enact it on:
Wednesday, 13 January at 7 pm EST and again on Thursday, 14 January at 7 pm EST
You may feel something or not, depending on your own sensitivities. There is no right or wrong. If you are open and willing, it will be done!
All Unity Bubble transmissions going forward will have this strengthened outer layer.
Great thanks are due to Renata Duma and Reena Parikh who assisted me. It was awesome to work together!! Here’s a few of our experiences during the enactment.
An incredibly bright, vivid purple like I've never seen before.
3 rings of protection - gold, platinum and turquoise blue. A beautiful electric turquoise blue ring emerged which reminded me of the Unity Bubble logo
The Christ Consciousness energy was present.
A change in the depth and substance of the rings.
An incredible high frequency carried by the new ring. It feels lighter, more expanded with a deeper connection to the earth as well as to our higher home dimensions.
Higher intuition and heightened clair senses, feels more accessible.
Vortices were being closed and beings being sent to the quarantine area.
An ebullient green, huge checkmark on completion and the feeling of another worldly technology being implemented.
The feeling that Jonathan had been working with some ETs to create this protection for the Bubble. It is invisible to us because we can only see a fraction of the light spectrum, yet it is visible to the entities and they perceive it as a solid, thereby they know not to even bother trying to get through. It was shown as bulletproof!!
Yes, yes, yes - it was quite the night!!
So stay open and willing if you would like this upgrade.
We are living in amazing times Bubble-hearts, doing our best to stay current and assist in the ways available.
With much love
January 5, 2021
Hello Bubblehearts!
Here’s some exciting news. Whilst pondering how best to help humanity at this time while making sure to respect all Higher Laws, I was directed by Jonathan to create a “Sacred Bubble” designed for all of humanity, giving the High-Selves the ability to access and distribute it as they wished, no matter where in the Galaxy they were!
Well, that twisted my head a bit! How to do that? How to make sure it was carried out in full alignment? How to keep the “little me” out and act from my Higher aspect?
I worked together with Renata Duma (Level 2 Facilitator). It took a while to get all the details ironed out and in place and gain some sort of comfort around the undertaking, as this was by no means an every day happening!! Our intention was to enable assistance for those who are open and willing to receiving the Sacred Bubble. Jonathan assured us all was correct and he would oversee from above.
Renata and I accomplished the enactment, with the help of Unity and with Jonathan in his Melchizedek capacity. Thank you, thank you, thank you Renata. It was amazing to work together and for your wonderful energy to enable this transmission. WOW!!!
The aspect of a Free Will Universe must always be strictly followed. Interestingly, when a Sacred Bubble is given, and therefore all external interference is removed, it actually returns free will back to the individual, thereby enabling the ability to choose and to make decisions. Quite the dichotomy!
We don’t generally give Sacred Bubbles any more (except in specific circumstances) as The Unity Bubble is the latest upgrade, in the same way as why would one order a rotary dial phone when an iPhone is available? You wouldn’t!
For those who are new to Bubbleland, The Sacred Bubble was the very first Bubble created back in 2007, which provided the release and ongoing protection from external negative interferences. You can read more at:
This new Sacred Bubble undertaking reminded me of when, in 2008, a Sacred Bubble was used to enhance Gaia’s natural grids. It also reminded me of when a Sacred Bubble was placed around our Solar System to provide a complex "lattice net" or "boundary layer" emblazoned in gold with the language of God.
This Sacred Bubble undertaking differs from the others mentioned in that it is meant for humanity directly and not for any planetary bodies. They already have Sacred Bubbles! You can read all about these previous Sacred Bubble undertakings in Book 3 of the I Came to Work With Angels series:
Both Renata and I received visions during the enactment. I saw the new Sacred Bubble as a floating energetic field with all High-Selves being given a golden key. When they gained access, it was like a tap being turned on with liquid honey gold light pouring forth.
Renata’s was that she saw billions of energetic strands streaming from the new Sacred Bubble, allowing the Sacred Bubble energy to flow down to all willing High-Selves. She also saw beings off-planet receiving the new Sacred Bubble
It was a special time!! Onwards, Bubblehearts, exciting times!!
From my heart to yours,
January 4, 2021
Hello and Happy New Year!
Let us imagine what kind of year we will create. It becomes more and more obvious that we really do create our own reality as our manifestations become faster and faster. I encourage everyone to be very specific with your intentions. It is not sufficient to have a passing nice thought. Putting the feeling aspect into the intention is most important. Feeling is deeper than emotion. To keep it simple - feeling is a gut response. It feels “right” or in alignment or it does not. Emotion is the outward expression of that feeling, happy, sad, guilty, angry, hurt and so on.
As we move into 2021, it appears there are many searching for answers. Lockdown and the other restrictions we have all experienced in 2020 has caused people to look deeper at their lives, at what is important and about themselves. The Bubble can be very useful. New Facilitators are being added to our website all the time and are ready to assist when asked.
I received a question recently which may be of interest. The question was if someone has their Unity Bubble and therefore external interferences have been removed, is it possible for another interference or entity to get through their Bubble?
Here’s my answer: In order to come through the outer shell of The Bubble, the “visitor” would have to hold an 8th dimensional or above frequency and if they were of that level, they would have no reason to invade the space.
Anything of a lower frequency would not have sufficient resonance.
The only way would be for an invitation to be offered thereby creating an opening made by the person with The Bubble from the inside. If that is happening, it would be necessary to find out what is the reason, the advantage or the pay-off.
The other thing to realize is that there are different energies around, all the time. Many energies may be felt in one’s energetic field but that does not mean they are INSIDE your Bubble.
That’s it for today!! Have a simply bubbilicious day!
Bubble Blessings to YOU!
December 14, 2020
Here we are almost at the end of 2020. I pondered deeply about what to write here. It’s been a roller coaster ride. There seems to be so much to decipher. How to get to our own truth? We can do this by feeling into our heart and gut. That is our truth and sometimes that truth changes as we become more aware or see something from a different perspective. It’s been a busy year for me, working on-line assisting people through their challenges, guiding them away from fear and stress towards peace and abundance. If anyone needs a tune-up Facilitators are available to assist, as am I!!
We have new Facilitators totalling:
36 Level 1 (able to give Bubbles to others),
12 Level 2 (able to give the Protocols to others) (3 in the wings!!)
3 Level 3 (able to authorize others) (2 in the wings!!)
This is great!! Jonathan is very pleased and is always available when called upon especially when Bubble work is being done!! Would you like a word from Jonathan?
Our main website has a new look, thanks to Renata Duma (Level 2 Facilitator). It’s fresh and vibrant. It has a new section describing the Protocols, a great addition especially good for anyone considering getting their Bubble or who have their Bubble and wondering whether to continue on to deeper work.
There’s also a new page, “About the Bubble” which is fun and informative:
I’m sure most of you have seen various videos about December 21st, the Solstice, the planetary alignment and solar flare. It’s an exciting time! Will we feel anything? What will happen? I don’t know. I encourage you to stay very present, experiencing whatever happens from an observational standpoint.
These are exciting times. Let us trust that all is unfolding in divine time and we are here to enjoy everything offered. Know that we are looked after and in fact, greatly loved and appreciated for being here, in a physical body, at this momentous time.
I’m sending out Greetings at this Christmas Season as well as wishing you all
much peace and calm
as we venture forth into 2021.
With many, many Blessings
December 10, 2020
Here we are in December, no doubt wondering what this month and 2021 has in store for us. Personally I’m excited, having been looking forward to this ascension stage for many years. To flow through it, I spend time in nature, drink tons of pure water and stay focused internally. It doesn't always work but certainly helps!
One of our Facilitators, Renata Duma (Level 2) has worked her magic and given our website a new, fresh look. Thank you Renata, it looks amazing!
We decided to alter the wording to Unity Bubble Process - Energetic Transmissions calling it a Process instead of Program as programming seems to have a negative connotation at the present time. There are 2 new sections:
"Protocols" -
and also a very fun page
“Understanding the Unity Bubble” -
The Facilitator Contact Page has been revamped. Please take a look at your listing and let me know if any changes are required.
I would like to use the logo below going forward. In the past both have been used - with and without the word “Unity”. I feel it’s best to standardize so if you are using the logo on your own site or business card, please use this one.
I trust those of you who are looking for connection with other Facilitators have received the Mailing List and are finding it beneficial for support and friendship. If anyone would like to be added when it's updated, please let me know.
Also, please let me know if you need anything as you go about your Bubble endeavours. I have a feeling there’s going to be a lot of people searching for answers in the very near future. We are ready with an amazing system to assist as they open and ask.
Exciting times!!
From my heart to yours
October 18, 2020
Sooooooo, how are you? What a ride this has been……… and still is……… and will continue!! Being pulled this way and that way…… believing this…… believing that. Attempting to figure it all out. Should - ah that word, should-ing on ourselves - should we do this, or that?
What a fabulous way for us to see the duality, raise ourselves into neutrality and be present in the NOW!!
For myself, I’ve delved deep. I’ve looked at what’s happening. I’ve become aware of all sorts of programs, agendas, some of which I’ve known about for years and others recently. Some disgust me. Some enthral me. Sometimes it's a fine line between researching and becoming informed and yet giving energy only to how I wish to create our new world.
As I raise myself out of duality, I see it all as a perfect unfoldment into a new way. A new way of living. A new way of life. For this I’m incredibly excited!
As with our own personal issues, the collective’s issues have to be unearthed, identified, acknowledged, appreciated for the experience and lovingly healed and neutralized. The collective is a mirror image of the internal state of humanity. “As within, so without”.
Many have asked me what they can do to help in these unprecedented times.
If you have chosen to be on earth at this time to hold a vibration, the very best thing you can “do” is exactly that… “hold that vibration”. It will ripple out even if you know not how or where.
If you would like assistance to reach or maintain the highest vibration available to you, according to your soul path, contact one of our Facilitators. We have many new Facilitators ready and willing to help you gain clarity and direction. And, as always, I’m available for a tune-up!!
I find these 3 meditations are particularly effective to keep me focused:
The Collective: This one keeps me focused on the kind of world I wish to create.
Graduation of The Ego: This provides an opportunity for your egoic self, your personality self, to grow and evolve.
Removal of Mind Control: This meditation works on an individual level as well as for the collective so anyone who is open, even on a subconscious level, will be relieved from the restrictions placed upon humanity.
Please share as you feel appropriate.
All is good. All is unfolding perfectly!!
July 8, 2020 The Ego Graduation
What a time we are having! So many changes! As soon as one wave settles, there’s another coming fast and sometimes furious! There are many energies coming into the planet and that is a good thing. It is causing disruption and that is the only way to cleanse the dysfunctional patterns and behaviours on a global level. They must be unearthed to be cleansed. The best and most efficient way to promote healing and cleansing is to throw as much love and compassion on the situation as one is abler realizing these are lower energies which have provided an opportunity for growth.
From what I’ve heard, most of you are doing (relatively) well and able to cope and realize there are micro and macro clearings happening and thank goodness we have our Unity Bubbles to assist!!
It’s an ongoing journey to deeper and deeper levels, as you know so if worry, fear, doubt etc. are coming up, acknowledge them, if you’re able, connect the dots to discover the origin, let it go…… and then “do the flip” and find something (ANYTHING) that you are grateful for or that makes you happy. It may be remembering a particular incident, person, pet, something you did that you’re proud of - basically anything that triggers self-worth, peace and joy.
Over the last month, I’ve been working on something new. It’s a way to allow and in fact, encourage, your ego to advance. Sounds a bit weird, I know, but it came up a few times in client sessions so I thought it worthwhile to ponder it in depth.
What came forth was that the ego (of the clients I was working with - and my own) presented a variety of feelings, some of which were, lost, confused, useless, disappointed and essentially “out of a job” and fearful of being annihilated. I questioned this and realized that our ego had reached the fulfillment of its original commitment. So what to do??
It reminded me of Jonathan’s book The Ego: Friend or Foe” and his perspective on what our ego is, how to treat it and how he talked about "the evolvement of - “a new being who has never existed before”!
At the same time, I had become aware of a new plasma portal opening up, giving access to a higher “Galactic Meeting Place”. So I wondered if our ego could take advantage of this and gain further understandings. The answer was “yes, absolutely”.
OK great - so now I had to figure out how this would work while being sure to stay in alignment. The result was a “Graduation Ceremony” for the ego. Sounds totally weird, I know! However it was shown to me very clearly. I tried it out with a number of clients and Facilitators and found it works very well and they have been able to go forth into projects of ways of being not available before.
For some of you it may be a while as your ego has to be at a level to be feeling that way and asking those questions. This is fine and should not be rushed.
If you would like to receive the meditation to work with on your own, great. Please reply to this mailing, saying "please send me the Ego Graduation Meditation" and I will send it to you at no charge.
If you prefer or feel you need a session with me for clarification or support, I’m here and available. An hour session using zoom which would include a tune-up of whatever else you need as well as the Ego Graduation is $125 CDN.
These are such exciting times although I know they are quite stressful. It’s all OK and we are experiencing something that is very, very special in the history of our beautiful Gaia.
June 19, 2020 Do Black Lives Matter?
And so do all other lives - no matter what colour, creed, race, persuasion or religion.
Only when we can get this through our dear little heads - and more importantly, our hearts - will we find peace.
Peace is within - not something external that one has to go out and find.
To quote Gandhi, “There is no path to peace. Peace IS the path”.
Anything which is not, has to be loosened, allowed to come up so it can be dissolved.
Let unresolved issues be exposed, give them compassion and love.
It’s time we started seeing ourselves together - that is how we will survive. Please listen and give your energy. (The meditation starts at the 2 minute mark).
June 18, 2020 Riding the Waves
Trusting you are all riding these waves and staying safe. In spite of how it appears, all the violence around the world is actually a good thing as more detritus is loosened and becomes available for cleansing just as we do on our own personal level.
The amount of light (which is truth and knowledge) coming into the planet is "throwing light" on the imbalances, the anger, the hatred, the feelings of worthlessness etc. etc., causing it to come up to be cleansed. So even though it seems "bad" it's really a good thing.
The way to deal with it, for us who are more familiar with how it works, is to be in observation or neutral mode and throw as much compassion and love as one is able. These people who are robbing, looting etc. are so, so unhappy and feel so worthless, that's how it plays out. Not easy to do, I know - but this is the higher perspective and is more effective than either joining in or refusing to look at it!
It's not to excuse the atrocities which are obviously happening. It's to use the power of compassion and love which overrides and diffuses the "negative". Not an easy concept but worthy of noodling on!
May 17, 2020 Duality to Neutrality
Ponderings for my Sunday... Here we are on planet earth, able to experience the full extent of duality. Right/wrong, good/bad, better/worse. This is the place, the frequency, where this is possible. As we go through our personal development, we come to a place of realization about this duality and about how and where we identify with it.
We access deep levels of judgment. We work through our own issues and triggers around other people’s opinions or judgments of us, realizing it is our own self-judgment attracting those of similar resonance. We get to the point of realization that when we are ready to totally give up any attempt to control anything, we actually, then, have it. The paradox! We get to say, we're in alignment with Consciousness as if Consciousness has an opinion of what is right/wrong, good/bad, better/worse!!
At the Highest level, in a sense, EVERYTHING is in alignment because if it wasn’t allowed, it wouldn’t even be a possibility. This is what the conversation with THE I AM in the trilogy says very clearly! It’s in Book Three: The Big Idea. Of course, there are other levels to be in alignment with like our Soul, our High Self, The Creator of this Universe.
So where do we go from here? What's next? It’s a systematic process just as The Bubble and Protocols led you systematically through the first stages of self discovery. We proceed to observation. What does this mean? It’s relatively easy to observe others when one has done a significant amount of personal work. “Oh, look at what they’re doing”.
With all that is happening in our world these days, this can be quite challenging. To observe, be informed and yet not give energy to anything except what you desire in your own world. As within, so without! We learn how to control our thoughts and “do the flip” when we find ourselves veering off our path.
The deeper level yet is that those thoughts do not even occur. Not a denial, deflection or naivety. It simply IS. This leads us to neutrality, the centre point, the zero point. In every moment. I think that’s what is meant by purification at the very deepest level.
I’m working on it.
April 9, 2020 Is It Alive?
Happy Sun-day Bubble-hearts! Reading so much about the virus not being alive, I pondered this.
In our conversations with Higher Beings over many years we were told that EVERYTHING is alive. EVERY thing. There is NOTHING that is not alive. NO thing. Everything is contained within the ALL. Nothing dies, it just changes form. Constant change. Easy to understand if the “thing” is in a form we accept as “living”. You know, breathing, thinking, feeling. Not so easy if one talks, for example, about caves with stalactites and stalagmites even though their processes are just simply soooooooo much slower.
A stone is alive and what’s more is changed when it is picked up and loved by someone!! Every-thing is in a state of flux. Interaction and relationship is what creates the movement (change). So then I wondered about this aspect of being dead or alive and realized that it’s a deeper level of duality. It’s simply the understanding we, as humanity, have labelled it. We get it when we talk of the caterpillar becoming a butterfly. Did the caterpillar die - No - it cocoons itself, takes time out and emerges in a totally different form.
Then on my walk today I thought about the “dead” leaves on the ground, I realized that they too are in transition from one way of being, expressing as a part of a tree, to another way - to be joined with the soil, microbes and such to become beautiful compost and support another element. They did not “die”. They are transitioning. The cycle of life.
Then I thought further about everything external being a reflection of an internal state. Hmmm, so is this virus a reflection of all the hate, anger, fear, anxiety, worry felt in humanity manifesting outwardly.
You cannot kill anything so it doesn’t exist any more. It will always (all ways) exist. In what form though? Is it created because of one way of being or will it transmute into another way.
We are powerful beyond measure. Let’s give it an opportunity to become something else. The only way that can happen is if we change our internal state which will then reflect outwardly.
As within, so without.
Enough of my ponderings today.
Be well and happy
"Be the change"
Loving thoughts rippling out.
April 7, 2020 Using Your Bubble
What are you pondering today? I sometimes receive or hear comments such as, “I’ve asked my Bubble to take this away” or
“I’ve asked my Bubble to tell me what this is about”
The most important thing to understand is that your Bubble will not do your work for you.
The Bubble just IS. It is a creation with certain attributes, certain principles. It holds the frequency of purity.
It was not created to have feelings or opinions. That would put it in a state of duality and it is so very much higher than that! It holds only fundamental values of positivity and therefore cannot support lower states like fear, anxiety, lack and such like. As we have free will to choose what we wish to support in our being-ness, it is up to us, individually, to make decisions. Every day, every moment.
If one is experiencing a particular way that is unpleasant, once you figure out what it’s about, because it’s always about you, then the opportunity to release said challenge to your Bubble is available. It is up to you to surrender it to your Bubble. Yes, that sometimes takes courage, sometimes a leap of faith and sometimes more pondering is needed. Sometimes extra help is required to get out of the forest and see the trees.
The point is it’s up to you to give it up, let it go, surrender, blow it away just like blowing dandelion seeds. If you feel resistance and have difficulty - you may like to consider contacting a Level 2 Facilitator to receive The Flow Protocol. It will lead you deeper especially around this challenging time, if anxiety, uncertainty and fear are coming up.
To find a Facilitator: The clearer and lighter you become, the easier you will ride this wave. This is a wonderful time to go within!
Much love from Bubble-Land!!
March 22, 2020 Reset
A time of change. So much has been written and posted about the current events, it’s up to each one of us to decide for ourselves what to believe, how to act and how to go forward. It’s always a choice.
Having spent the last 20+ years doing my own inner work and helping others see their own truth, I believe we are able, if we choose, to ride this wave instead of being taken over by fear and anxiety. This is the reset we’ve been working towards. This is the way forward. This is what we’ve been yearning for.
Yes, it’s chaotic at the moment. It has to be when you think of the massive changes that are necessary to move into an entirely new way. A few suggestions to ride this wave:
Stay present, enjoy this time to go within. If you find yourself slipping into fear, distance yourself from TV, radio, media - disconnect and bring yourself back to the present moment. Find the line between being informed and getting sucked in.
Listen to the meditations for the Protocols, there may well be deeper layers which are now loosened to surrender to your Bubbles.
Listen to our Collective Meditation and see our new world emerging.
This is a great time to read “I Came to Work with Angels”. There is much wisdom from these Higher Beings and Jonathan had really good questions!
Be mindful and aware of your choice. You are responsible for your own choice. No-one can make it for you!
Fear or Peace, Love, Abundance, Freedom.
Either will manifest according to your choice. Dream a little - of how you’d like to see our new world! If you need a tune-up or the next Protocol, Facilitators and myself are available and happy to provide on-line sessions.
Be well, Bubble-hearts! I'm sending this at 2:22 on March 22, 2020. 22 is my number so I'm sending this now with so much love for you all and the wonder-ful world we're moving into. Feel the love!! Exciting times!
February 2, 2020 Worldwide Transmission
As a way to help those affected by the fires in Australia, I’m offering a worldwide transmission of The Unity Bubble which will take place on Sunday, 2nd February at 2.22 pm EST. For your local time, please refer to the world clock:
Help is offered in 2 ways: firstly this is an opportunity for anyone, anywhere to receive a Unity Bubble and secondly to make a donation to NSW Wildlife Rescue Fund WIRES.
What is The Unity Bubble? It’s a very loving space which can be given to anyone to help heal inner wounds. It enables one to find a sense of peace during turbulent times. There is so much healing to do in so many different ways, for the people, for the animals, for the earth. The Bubble can help when one is open to receive.
A few ways of how it can help?
You may get the feeling that all is really OK despite how things appear outwardly.
It may help when communicating with others.
It may help you accept help from others.
It may enable you to live and cope from day to day.
It may help you to be grateful for what you have.
You may find a sense of peace.
For more information visit:
If you would like to receive a Unity Bubble, please register, by sending your full name and location to: In line with free will, registration has to be by the individual.
The transmission will be done in real time to all who have registered. The only requirement is to be open to receive - there is no need to be on-line at the transmission time. It is all done remotely by authorized Facilitators. We simply need to have full names and locations for identification when transmitting.
If you’re able to give a donation - 100% of all donations will be forwarded to the NSW Wildlife Rescue Fund WIRES.
For anyone affected, either directly or indirectly, by the devastation, no donation is required or expected. We offer this freely with our blessing. For yet others who already have their Unity Bubbles and would like to make a donation to WIRES, please do. You’re most welcome to join in the transmission and add your energy.
Let us all work together to repair and restore beautiful Australia. Please give generously, the animals need your help and please share this message widely as you feel appropriate. I will forward all donations to WIRES after the transmission date.
Let the Unity Bubble offer healing to go forward.
December 20, 2019 Greetings of the Season
Dearest Friends and Clients,
Here we are almost at the end of 2019. It has been a year of many things.
The Spring Solstice was a busy time with the offering of a series of group Bubble Transmissions worldwide when I was directed to add to the number of bubbiliated! At the same time our Collective Meditation was introduced and has proved to be very effective on a personal as well as a planetary level. I’m told it’s actually also helped on a Universe level. Any time one connects it adds energy to our intentions of a more harmonious world and enables us to move into the higher frequencies now available. Thank you to all those who listen often. You are truly making a difference!
We now have 25 Level One Facilitators and 6 Level Two. How amazing is that!! Thank you to all Facilitators for your dedication and hard work to promote our dear Bubble. I know it’s challenging and one often gets that quizzical look when attempting to explain what it is and how it works!! It is regularly only appreciated in hindsight. I will be bringing in the Master Level in 2020 which is very exciting and will provide a further way to be of service. Each one of the authorization levels brings with it a deeper clearing personally as the commitment and dedication is seen on higher levels. It's like queue-jumping!!
I, myself, am working on an additional Protocol which will be offered to all those who have completed the program. It’s in the developmental stage right now and when I have clarity I will be letting you know.
Our Universal Arena has been a hive of activity. Many beings of all shapes and sizes from all sorts of different areas and dimensions have come there to find out more. Journeys continue wherever a consciousness exists. The Bubble is very well known on other levels!! Oh that it would be so down here in this density!! Proper protocols have been set up to avoid confusion and a bit of a stampede!! Thanks to all Facilitators who assisted and continue to both direct and participate the flow of these transmissions.
All 3 books of the trilogy, "I Came to Work with Angels" as well the 2nd edition of "The Universe Project" are now available worldwide from in PDF and paperback format. This was important to me to ensure Jonathan’s legacy continues. Links can be found on both websites.
At present I’m working on publishing his talk on "The Ego: Friend or Foe?" Hopefully early 2020 will see it also on blurb.
As we move into the Winter Solstice and on into 2020, I send you all love and blessings with much gratitude for the support I've received. These are extraordinary times! Finally we are receiving rewards for all the work we have engaged in for so very long. Of course, from a higher perspective it’s just a blink of an eye!!
Stay safe this season. My heart and prayers go to you all, especially our friends and loved ones in Australia.
November, 2019 “What a Ride” he said!
Tomorrow, November 30th, is the anniversary of Jonathan’s transition from his earthly life.
Some days it feels like he’s still here as he is always floating around flapping his magenta wings, giving me words (sometimes sentences, sometimes even paragraphs!) of wisdom whilst I’m working or just in my daily life. He probably knows me better than I know myself! Other days, of course, there is a sadness that he’s not here in the flesh and we're enjoying together all the wondrous experiences of and on Gaia.
We often work together in the Universal Arena which was set up many years ago to assist those Beings who wished to receive a Unity Bubble from the level of Spirit. He supports by his Presence and I, as well as other Facilitators, provide the grounding necessary to complete the transmissions.
Whilst in body he completed the task assigned. To assist the Angelic Beings who were seeking a way to reintegrate into the unfoldment and evolvement of themselves and this Universe. He often said he was the "fix-it guy" from somewhere else brought in to do something "outside the box". He asked at a particularly challenging time if he volunteered for the assignment. Sheepishly, Stan and Ollie said, "not exactly, we stepped back!"
Yet, finish it he did and as a side effect the Bubbles were created as a way to assist humanity in their own personal unfoldment and evolvement whilst on this planet. This he left as his legacy and for me to carry forward.
What a privilege to be part of all that! What a different life I lead!! How appropriate that the 2nd edition of his first book, The Universe Project, was delivered to me yesterday - 66 pages of timeless truths which miraculously open at the moment an understanding is needed.
It’s still a ride, he says and is watching and supporting whenever asked. So feel free to have a few words with him if you need his assistance or just to check in. He says he's having a beer with Stan and Ollie and always has time to answer! Such a joke as there is no time where he is!!
Happy memories!
November, 2019 2nd Edition of The Universe Project
In 2007 the first edition of The Universe Project was written. So much has happened since that time, I thought a second edition was worthwhile and for it to include an update to 2019. So I’ve written a Prologue and an Epilogue as additions, attempting to give an overall sense of how The Bubble Journey evolved. The original chapters have been retained, as they are timeless and offer a (relatively) simple way to understand Dimensions, Life Streams, Laws of this Universe. Basic stuff!!
I’m told the original book is referred to often as a reminder of fundamental principles, sometimes opening at the exact page appropriate at that moment!
This second edition is now available in paperback or PDF through
It’s one of my goals to have all Jonathan’s books in one place, available worldwide in perpetuity. I hope they find a place on your bookshelf. Maybe as a gift to yourself or to someone special.
The trilogy “I Came to Work With Angels” and “The Universe Project” offer so much knowledge and wisdom, I trust they will reach those searching for answers, or at least perspectives, on those big questions and from that discover one’s own place and purpose in the larger picture.
Here’s the link to order through blurb…
October, 2019 All this talk about 3rd, 4th and 5th dimensions is making me quite dizzy!!!
Where are we? What’s going on? Are we going to get left behind? Have I raised my vibration enough? Can I live in 5D all the time? Jeepers! Let’s get simple! Well that’s a bit of a joke, but I’ll do my best!!
Over the past number of years there have been many “light-workers”, “way-showers” working diligently, helping others to grow spiritually. All doing it in their own way with whatever means they had.
The last few months saw a jump in awareness. Consequently energies have been rattled as lower frequencies were loosened and rose up to be looked at. Uncomfortable sometimes resulting in emotional and even physical challenges seemingly out of nowhere. Thank goodness for our Bubbles!!
We hear that earth is now 5th dimensional and if you don’t raise your own vibration…. well, basically you won’t be here. I wondered about that and started to question. How can that be? What about the dark elementals? They would be very uncomfortable in a 5D frequency. It wasn’t sitting comfortably with me.
So I pondered and received the image of a layer cake. It had a layer of chocolate on the bottom, pink in the middle and vanilla with whipped cream on the top!
For those who have worked with me know the visions I receive are quite specific for the individual and the transmission they are receiving. So this was a bit different but not really. It was answering my question.
The chocolate layer is symbolic of our 3rd dimension. Lots of different experiences and deliciously dense. The place where there is the greatest experience of duality. Right/wrong, good/bad, better/worse, happy/sad.
The next layer, 4D, is lighter, but still has form. This form responds to thought as in a dream. Things change immediately. There is a knowing that we manifest our reality. Here we begin to move into acceptance as opposed to judgment. 4D also acts as a bridge to other realms of existence in consciousness.
And the top is vanilla, lighter… and whipped cream, lighter still. This is a range within a 5th dimensional frequency. Gaia, herself, has anchored this quickened rate into her Being. She is now back to her original vibration in part because of the help received by advanced humans and divine travellers who have been living on her, working to raise their own vibration and in turn helping her. That’s very much simplified but good enough for now!
In the 5th dimension energies are seen as colour, sound, degrees of light. Beings are known by their energetic “footprint”. There is no judgment, unconditional love is felt. All is OK. Energies flow according to divine timing and alignment. Choice is available, however it would be of little interest to choose something out of alignment.
It has not been possible before now to experience being in 3D physical form and 5D at the same time, except in meditation when one basically leaves or quiets the body and mind.
It doesn’t mean 3rd and 4th are not there any more. They are energetic bands of frequencies with specific qualities of resonance. Wherever your energy is vibrating, it will resonate accordingly - not the other way round.
It means that 3rd, 4th and now 5th are available. Where are you today? Or at this moment in time?
You are where are you resonating. If you’re driving on highways, running around with kids, paying bills you’re probably operating in 3D as that’s what is appropriate to take care of your physical self, children and loved ones and get some jobs done.
At other times you move into a 4D state. And still other times into blissful 5D. I see it as sliding up and down, back and forth.
All are available and it’s not “wrong” or “better” to be in any of them. One is not better than another. If you think that, then you’re definitely in 3D where duality (right/wrong… better/worse) is present!
Whatever layer of your cake you’re experiencing, it’s all delicious and simply a different flavour.
And I thought this would be a short post!!!
Happy weekend everyone!
October, 2019 News from Bubble-Land
It’s October and feels to me as if what little summer we had in the northern hemisphere, flew by. Anyway the colours of Fall are lovely. Pumpkins are everywhere! Much has been happening energy-wise, particularly since the spring solstice. And there is due to be another big flood of energy beginning on October 10th. It’s been described as a tsunami of light.
For myself I have certainly felt my energy being affected - the drawing back of the tide before the incoming wave. Our Universe Arena has been busy of late. This is the energetic space Jonathan and I used for many years as a way to transmit The Bubble to those who are not incarnate. Since his passing I have used it when I’ve been directed that there are souls “waiting”. Last week Reena Parikh, one of our Facilitators and a very good friend, received a message that there were many anxious for a Bubble so Reena and I got together (twice in fact) to serve those ready and willing! We had the impression of many, many new Bubbles from all sorts of places, both within and beyond this Universe. To say The Bubble is getting around is an understatement!! Thank you Reena! So great to work with you!
I’ve been told our Collective Meditation is really helping raise consciousness on a grand scale... and to keep tuning in and adding energy. Thank you for including this in your daily routines.
With the influx of the higher frequencies it’s possible that deeper levels of challenges/patterns have been loosened and are ready for dissolution. Work continues even if you’ve completed the whole program. Remember you have a Bubble (if you have one, that is) and if you can unravel an issue and get to the core, your Bubble is always there and you can always surrender the offending pattern.
We have a total of 24 Level One Facilitators and 5 Level Two. Any of them would be super happy to help you. I will be bringing in the Master Level next year which will be wonder-ful.
All 3 books of the trilogy “I Came to Work with Angels” are available to purchase individually through blurb. I love them. They emit such an energy, it’s like you’re there in the actual conversations! So much knowledge comes forth. I highly recommend reading them bit by bit as many truths of a higher nature are distilled.
Two Facilitators, Natalia Brajak and Athena Hagen will have a table at The Whole Life Expo 2019 at the MetroToronto Convention Centre, November 8th to 10th. They will be speaking on November 10th at 2.15 pm on stage 2 in the Exhibit Hall. I’m so looking forward to hearing their talk and hope to see many of you there. Mark it on your calendar. Please support them. Stop by their booth and introduce yourself. It’s a great opportunity to pass on to anyone who would be interested to know more.
Bubble Blessings! Enjoy the ride - there is much coming our way!
Keep grounded and get out into nature when you're able!
September, 2019 How do you live?
Greetings Dear Ones,
"How can I help?” “What can I do to promote a peaceful world?” Questions often asked. We're all yearning for changes and yet, sometimes are overwhelmed, even depressed, about what we can do to really make a difference. Some carry signs, join marches, form groups. It's important to realize our energy goes to where we put attention. So be aware of the intention of your attention! What are you feeding - the problem or the solution - or simply the perfect outcome?
Clarity may be gained by asking the question, “How do you live?” This was addressed at length in some of Jonathan's conversations about The Christ Consciousness. There are 3 elements here:
To develop the compassionate heart, firstly for oneself and then for others
To be the best one can be in every moment.
To enter service.
Of course it's number 2 which gives us the most challenge! It's not enough to be our best between certain hours on certain days, when it's most convenient! This is really difficult! I like to give us some slack here because sometimes our best one day, in one circumstance is quite different on another day. It is, of course, to strive to be our very best in all circumstances. We work at it and progress!
It's really living The Golden Rule - in the right order. Lead with the heart. Let the mind follow and understand the connection, the mind reflecting the heart. And then doing unto others as you would have them do to you. This is one of the infusions in your Bubbles. A helpful way is to listen to our Collective Meditation any time it comes into your awareness. Give it energy. Give it attention. Feed it. For one minute, for 5 minutes, for half an hour. Whatever time you have. Wherever you are. You may be preparing a meal, walking in the forest, going to a meeting or having a shower.
Question yourself. Am I in alignment with this Collective? Does what I’m doing support these intentions? Am I being the best I can be - in thought as well as deed.
And if something comes up that annoys or distresses you, take a moment, ask yourself if it's serving your best self. If the answer is "No" and if it feels right, release it to your Bubble, layer by layer until it doesn’t come up any more.
“How do you live?”
As we think, as we act, so shall it be.
It’s how we live. In every moment.
Enough to ponder for today!!
Blessings and Love to All,
August, 2019 Which comes first?
Happy Saturday Bubble-hearts!
The age old question - which comes first the chicken or the egg? Is it the in breath of the baby on being born into the physical body? Or is it out breath releasing fluids etc. to enable the in breath?
Is it when we’re hurt, frustrated and fearful, an explosion of anger occurs?
Is it our insecurities that cause us to lash out or retreat into a corner.
I was pondering this the other day and followed the line of thought.
In our process of accepting more light into our physical bodies, I was wondering about the order.
Is it enough to be open and asking for more light and therefore it comes to us?
Or is it because something of a lower frequency comes to our attention and as we dive in, move it through and purge it, that makes space for more light to come in?
Which comes first? Bring in more light to highlight the lower frequency so it can be released? Or acknowledging, working through and releasing the lower frequency so space is created to let in more light?
Either way I’m so grateful for my Bubble!
Hmmm - something to ponder on your Saturday.
March, 2019 Forgiveness
Much has been written on this. After all, who hasn’t felt angry or hurt at someone else?
Is it about him or her or them? Yes, in a way it is for they have triggered something for you to feel that way.
Yes, there are people who are less than nice and who do, or say, things that are hurtful, damaging.
Yes, we can point the finger at them and sometimes feel a bit better in ourselves because, after all, we are right and they are in the wrong.
Right and wrong are our own interpretations of what is allowed or not allowed. Yet, we are in a Free Will Universe so ALL experiences are allowed. From one extreme to the other. Hence my preference of saying something can be in or out of alignment... with our soul path and what we agreed to come down here and "do"! Our choice.
Question is why/how do these scenarios happen? Why do bad things happen to good people? Here we go again, good and bad! Let’s be clear here, for the purpose of this writing, I will not be addressing cruelty to children or animals. That is a whole other exploration.
When something feels good, it's because it's in alignment with your path. When it doesn't feel good, it's not. Feel it in your heart or for some in their gut. There's no maybe. It's either good or not.
Could it be that we attract situations or people according to unfinished, unresolved pieces of ourselves which are either in (pleasant) or out (not pleasant) with our soul’s intentions. We attract, by resonance, those who also resonate with the particular experience from either side of the coin.
So someone with low self confidence will attract people who are judgmental confirming, that they deserve to feel less than.
Someone who is unable or reluctant to receive love from another, will attract those who are unable to give. Then we scratch our heads and wonder why.
I could go on but I think you get the idea.
So what to do? Why should I forgive them? Quite simple really if one can see things from a higher perspective. Oh yes, I see it. I have attracted “that” my whole life. Who’s the common denominator? I guess that would be you!!
So then it’s really not about them.
Here’s it comes - it’s about forgiving yourself. At first that sounds ridiculous and also hurtful because “I didn’t do anything wrong”, “they should be punished”. It’s not about that.
It’s about forgiving yourself for carrying with you the energy of anger, hate, hurt, resentment, revenge. What a burden to carry.
Ponder deeply. Maybe it's time to let it go?
June, 2019 Raising Your Vibration
This was originally sent out in October 2018. I think it's worthy of a resend... There seems to be a lot of comments lately about raising one’s vibration. Or maybe it’s just me seeing them! I feel as it’s come to my attention more than once I'd like to say a few words.
A lot is being said about what foods one eats or doesn’t eat with the idea that following a certain kind of diet or even lengthy fasting will do the trick. While I’m in agreement with eating healthy and I do believe fasting is beneficial, they alone will not do it.
Meditation is said to fix all that needs to be fixed. Of course we know there’s nothing broken!
It’s been said you can train your mind not to react to certain annoyances. This is a "head" approach. While that skill set is useful at certain times, the deeper question is why you react to people, situations, circumstances. When you truly (from your heart) do not react, you know you’ve licked it!
Exercising - hard core or gentle yoga will either get the blood pumping or calm the mind or maybe both. All well and good… that alone won’t do it!
Sounds as if I’m down on all those practices. Not at all. Do them all if they feel right for you.
However what will really raise your vibration is DOING YOUR WORK. This means looking at the good, the bad and the ugly. This is Bubble Work!!
Doing these other things will feel good but without the internal work it won’t last. It’s not sustainable. It won’t hold.
The good thing is when you do your work, your vibration does raise - automatically. Then you can eat whatever you like (in moderation, of course!), exercise or not (of course, you probably will, because you like it), meditate any time, any place because you don’t need a silent place to get quiet. You arequiet. And very rarely you’ll have use for your skill sets to deal with those triggers because generally you’re reaction-free.
This is self mastery. This is raising your vibration.
The Solstice brought about many changes globally and individually. The offer of free Unity Bubbles the week before the Solstice was a great success. We, that is myself and other Facilitators, bubbled almost 40 - our part in attempting to balance that “tipping point” in favour of humanity. We trust it made a difference.
Many of you have realized how amazing The Bubble is and are asking what they can do to support "the cause". It's so intangible often hindsight is the only way to know just how powerful it is!
One way is to share your own experiences with friends, family, acquaintances.
Another is to share the info. for the books, "The Universe Project" and the trilogy of, "I Came to Work With Angels". Books One and Two are in print with Book Three coming soon.
"The Universe Project" lays out the foundational understandings of Life Streams, Dimensions and Universal Laws as well as humanity's place in it all.
A desire and fascination to know more about Jonathan and about how all this came about is addressed in the trilogy “I Came to Work With Angels”. It is the transcripts of the actual conversations with the Higher Beings, firstly to sort out the massive dysfunctions affecting themselves and all humanity as a whole and going into the development of The Sacred Bubble.
Quite frankly, the conversations are mind blowing! When I read and re-read them, I wonder how it was all possible… and yet it was. I was there!!
Here’s the link for Book One:
Some have asked to make a donation so I’ve put a button on my website for this purpose. All donations are graciously received and greatly assist the continuation of the work ( Thank you!
What to do next is a question for some.
If challenges are coming up and you’re unable to figure out what it is the crux of the discomfort, I’m always available for private sessions online by zoom or in person. We unravel that knotty ball of experiences together and give you a way forward.
Lots more to unfold. Please keep in touch and feel free to contact me if you’re looking for help in deciphering what’s going on!! Sometimes it’s hard when you’re in the middle of the forest, to see the trees!!
Much love and so many thanks for participating in this very important time!
June, 2019 Who is Unity?
I've been asked a few times recently, "Who exactly is Unity"? This is what I was given...
"We speak as One.
We are a collective of Conscious Beings brought together to focus our attention on
the condition of humanity and the evolutionary unfolding of Consciousness.
We span all levels. We are inclusive.
Our purpose in coming together is to find a simple solution to negativity and misalignment
and to assist in the development of a process that would end imposed suffering,
starting at the human level.
This Creation is for the good of all who wish to partake of it.
We are Unity".
January 2019 The Many Faces of Abandonment
One of the basic, fundamental challenges of spiritual work occurs when one feels abandoned. It is a complex issue offering many opportunities for self growth and self confidence. It is the first leg of the “umbrella issues” to which I often refer. It leads to the second leg, lack of trust and then continues on to a lack of self-worth. All issues will have one or more of these “legs”.
The feeling of abandonment can occur for an obvious reason. For example, when one loses a parent/partner by death or dissolution of a relationship…… or more subtle when one experiences feeling let down or unsupported. Or there may be a fear of losing control.
It plays out in many ways.
One may feel insecure and unable to make decisions.
Fear of making a mistake or “doing it wrong” can play out in holding back our true desires.
The necessity of being the good little boy/girl is most limiting causing anxiety which sometimes is quite debilitating.
It can lead to depression, eating disorders or addictions.
There are elements of grief when dealing with loss. Sometimes grieving simply of a life not being a certain way or the way it used to be or the way one thought it would be.
Abandonment is present when insufficient attention is experienced. This can present physically and/or emotionally.
These are all faces of abandonment.
So the work is to recognize the facet of this dysfunction. Recognize it for what it is. Decide if you’ve experienced it enough or learned the necessary lesson. Feel it - really feel it in the core of your being - until you cannot hold attention there any longer. At that point you're ready to release the feeling to your Bubble. Another layer dissolved!
In doing so you will gradually regain the feeling of being loved - just because you ARE!!
May, 2019 Looking Back
Looking back, I’m fascinated by the organic development of the Bubble story.
Had we known what it would entail, would we have taken it on? Probably not. Although, probably we would have because that’s just how it is with spiritual pursuits. We followed the breadcrumbs. One thing led to the next.
In the late 1970’s Jonathan began what would be described as seriously looking at his “stuff” and for the next 30 odd years he gradually discarded many layers of dysfunctional patterns which had been carried and played out since childhood. It took a long time back then!
In 2005 he discovered his life essence of Melchizedek. Not an entirely comfortable discovery! With great power comes great responsibility.
Over the next 3 years the breadcrumb trail led him to create the first Bubble, The Sacred Bubble and to work closely with the First Stream of Angels. He acted as a mediator. With his abilities of realignment and transformation he was able to bring together the light and dark to be more in line with the evolution of this Universe.
Sounds quite “out of this world” which in fact it was!! The conversations have been transcribed in the trilogy, “I Came to Work With Angels”. Who would have thought that it was even possible to communicate with these Beings. A wealth of knowledge from different perspectives. Book One is now in paperback:
Then in 2009, using The Sacred Bubble as a foundation, he created what we know today as The Unity Bubble. Available to all who are willing and open to receive. A perfected space for self development work.
No longer does it need to take years and years. The Bubble is the fast track to self discovery. As someone called it, A Spiritual Overhaul!
From 2009 to 2016 we worked together assisting those who were looking for deeper meaning to the age-old questions of “Who am I” and “What is my Purpose”.
And now, since his passing in 2016, I have carried on his legacy.
Looking back, was it hard? Yes.
Did he know where he was going. In one way, No and yet in another, he followed the energy and trusted in the promptings from his soul.
Was there ever doubt? Yes, often, yet something deeper led him forward.
My part? We were drawn together because of the work. We were a good match. I needed his knowledge and wisdom for my own development. He needed my grounding to keep him focused.
So there it is. My ongoing commitment? To spread the Bubble. I'm so grateful to all Facilitators who are doing their part to move us into our new earth.
If you have connections to groups or individuals who would be open, please share.
November, 2018 Do you feel other people’s energy?
Do you feel other people’s energy? You walk into a room and immediately feel what’s going on? Nice or not so nice? Good, positive energy is pleasant to enjoy and share. Negative stress, overwhelm, anger, resentment, revenge (I could go on and on but I won’t!!) not so much! You feel it all. Appropriate energetic boundaries are not in place. Either they’ve never been set up or somehow have been compromised.
You are on orange alert or maybe even red alert. You may have been like that from an early age. It could even have started inter-uterine. A situation happened or a felt need caused you to become super sensitive. When the necessity of survival or simply unpleasantness is felt one can become so sensitive that even when the “danger” has passed, the habit is still there. It’s a safety mechanism because, well, it may come again and you have to be prepared.
To be sensitive is good and enables us to feel the subtle messages to know ourselves better. What is ours to work on. To be over sensitive can cause distortion, become out of balance and create challenges.
Elements of control and fear will be present. The “what ifs”, “I need to protect my loved ones” or “I only feel safe when I know what’s going to happen”. Originally created for protection, possibly basic survival, but then continues as a way of being.
It is true that when one has done a significant amount of personal work, one should be able to go anywhere and not be bothered by any discordant energies. To be able to observe actions or situations with no, or very little, triggers. For an empath, this is more difficult.
Your Unity Bubble provides you with protection from external spiritual interferences. The super sensitivities are addressed during the deeper work with the Protocols. A lot depends on your level of interest in other people’s energy as to how involved you become. If you find it advantageous, that option is open. If you prefer to observe from a distance that is also available. It is your choice. Remember energy follows intention. So if your intention is to feel everyone’s energy, that is what will happen. You may like to experiment with contracting or expanding your Bubble to suit the particular situation.
Know that if you decide you’d like to lessen your sensitivity you will still be alerted should you need to know something. You will still be able to respond to danger. Setting appropriate boundaries does not lessen your connection to Self. In fact your connection becomes clearer and quicker without unhelpful, misconstrued blockages or impressions.
There is much written about this topic. I offer these few thoughts and experience as practical assistance and possibly a different perspective for those who find themselves sensitive in this way.
I hope it is helpful.
Take care Bubble-hearts!
April, 2019 Individual or Collective?
For many years there has been much focus on doing one’s own personal work. This, of course, is very important and changes are seen as purer energy ripples out from each one of us.
What about Collective work? Can an exponential effect be accomplished by joining positive energy together? That is the intention of The Unity Bubble Collective. Balance and incorporation of the individual and the collective will help us move into a new earth.
The focus for the wording of the Collective Meditation was to go to the macro, all-encompassing level as opposed to the smaller, earthly ideals. Rather than state specific problems which we, as humans, would like to solve, it focused on a higher level to manifest the solution.
When the overall intentions are clear and initiated from this realm it is then surrendered or given to the higher level to “sort it out”! Challenging if we haven’t worked out all our control issues of attempting to control a particular outcome in a particular way!
It entails trust that all will unfold according to Divine Plan. The way has been prepared. The start button pressed!
The simplicity of the meditation makes it all powerful as only the intentions are given, with no human aspect of control or conditionality as to how or when they will manifest.
Listening and giving energy to the meditation will strengthen the intention. I have already experienced this in just a few days. Imagine how it will unfold in the weeks, months, years ahead!
And although it was created with the Bubble Community in mind, it is totally fine to share with anyone you feel would like to join in. The link is below.
The more energy is given, the quicker the manifestation. All are welcome, so, please share with those you feel would resonate.
Thank you!
Many Blessings to you All,
Let us envision all that we wish to create!