Books by Jonathan C. R. Davies
Between 2001 and 2014, Jonathan C.R. Davies wrote prolifically. He was often assisted by his wife, Hazel Davies, in the creating of his works, especially when the information that was to be safeguarded within them was being sourced from higher dimensions.
Uncover mysteries of the Universe as they are decoded and presented by Jonathan in his own inimitable fashion. Chock-full of wisdom teachings, Jonathan’s written offerings are a must-read for any spiritual seeker that wants to know “the real deal”.
“Once I read the Universe Project and came to realize I was a “Traveler”, the world literally opened up for me… In walked Jonathan C.R. Davies, followed by Hazel and The Unity Bubble. I’ve never looked back since! And I have read and re-read the “I Came to Work With Angels” trilogy more times than I can count… There’s more information and wisdom revealed there in a completely understandable fashion than one could ever imagine. Prepare to have your concept of ‘the world’ turned upside down!” - Renata, Toronto, 2018
Jonathan C.R Davies and Hazel Davies
These fascinating and revelatory books by the late Jonathan C. R. Davies are a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the world they find themselves in, and the path to self-actualization and fulfillment. They are also are great companions for those who have received a Unity Bubble. The books are entitled: The Universe Project and I Came to Work with Angels - The Trilogy. They are sequential.
The Universe Project provides a perspective on Consciousness, explaining fundamental principles and how they pertain to our Universe. It defines life-streams, dimensions, Angels, Souls, Creator Gods and people, and The Trilogy contains transcriptions of actual conversations as they happened over a 5-year period.
The Universe Project
The Universe Project provides a perspective on Consciousness explaining fundamental principles and how they pertain to our Universe. It defines life-streams, dimensions, Angels, Souls, Creator Gods and people.
I Came to Work With Angels, Book 1: Making Friends
Book One: Making Friends tells of the adventure, exploration and discovery through profoundly fascinating conversations with many unseen Higher Beings and Intelligences of our Universe. Making Friends documents the one-on-one relationships developed over many years. Absolutely unique, the scope of this complete work is epic in nature, leading to a possible simple solution to humanity's current situation on Earth. Order here:
I Came to Work With Angels, Book 2: A New Direction
The transcripts continue the Conversations with Consciousness theme. We, as humble humans, begin to work with the heavens to address the challenges faced by us all. A New Direction unfolds as relationships based on trust and mutual respect grow stronger. Many other Intelligences engage, and fresh perspectives are brought to light. We continue the adventure and sense our intended place in creation.
I Came to Work With Angels, Book 3: The Big Idea
Book Three: The Big Idea completes the transcripts from April, 2008 until January 1st, 2009. The exploration continues on what became known as "The Big Idea". It documents that journey to the final enactment at the stroke of midnight on New Year’s Eve. Within this volume, the general title of the work is revealed in a huge “AHA” moment!